The Chili Cook Off and Corn Bread Bake Off is coming up soon! Please sign up to bring chili or cornbread. Come together and enjoy fellowship and community together. After some...

The Chili Cook Off and Corn Bread Bake Off is coming up soon! Please sign up to bring chili or cornbread. Come together and enjoy fellowship and community together. After some...
In adult Sunday school this spring we'll study the law/gospel distinction that was basic to the Reformation's reclamation of the gospel. Every Christian should be...
Children Classes age 2-K Room 104 1st-4th Room 203 5th-7th Room 206 8th-12th Session Room We offer Sunday School classes for children, ages 2 and up. We are currently...
Join us for midweek refreshment in God's Word and deepen your relationships with your brothers and sisters at Bethel. The Wednesday evening Bible study meets at church...
Classes for Different Ages! 2-K Gospel Tots 1st-4th Gospel Kids 5th-10th Catechism Class The whole idea of Gospel Kids is that we want our children to have a firm grasp...