March Special Offering - Geneva Benefits

Saturday, March 01, 2025, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

This March's Offering will be for the PCA/Geneva Ministerial Relief Fund. This offers special support to PCA pastors, widows, and church employees in times of need.

We encourage you to watch this short video about some people who have recieved from it: Genva Relief Fund Video

Stories of hope abound. Mike Fennema, who received support from the Fund after an accident left him partially paralyzed, is now pastoring again. Mary Lu Strawbridge, who received Survivor's Assistance after being left widowed, continues to be a faithful presence in her community. Fred and Shirley Guthrie, who receive ongoing financial assistance in retirement after sacrificially joining the denomination, continue to praise God for this gift. Whether a family needs the Relief Fund to come alongside them for a moment or a season, we are humbled to join them in sorrow and joy. 

You can also read more about the Geneva on their website Geneva Benefits Group.

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