Evening Worship

Evening Worship
Every Sunday, 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Why evening worship? The first reason is the means of grace: God works in us and for us through the preaching of the Word. We desire another opportunity for God to work in us, building us up in Christ. The second reason is the Fourth Commandment: we want to make the most of this wonderful God has given us! We want to open and close the day being refreshed by communion with Christ and His gathered people. In some churches evening worship is a repeat of the morning service (for those unable to attend the morning worship). Ours is a second service with an additional sermon.

Join us Sunday evenings at 5:00PM to receive a balanced diet of the whole counsel of God (Acts 20:27) to help you grow toward full maturity in Christ. Hear the main teachings of God's Word in a time-tested, organized way.

God teaches us in His Word in two ways. First, He teaches us in each specific passage throughout God's Word. Secondly, He teaches us as we compare what He says in one passage to what He says in another. As we piece things together and connect the dots, a fuller understanding of what God is saying to us emerges.  Both are necessary for us to receive the whole counsel of God and grow toward full maturity in Christ.

On Sunday evenings we will compare what God says in various passages throughout Scripture to develop a fuller, richer understanding of what God is saying to us in His Word as a whole. To guide our study of Scripture, we will follow the pattern laid down in the Westminster Larger Catechism (WLC). In the 1600s the pastors and elders of Christ's church in England were asked to summarize the main teachings of God's Word. They did so in a question and answer format called a "catechism." Since then pastors, elders, and Christians have found that it faithfully expresses, clarifies, and enriches their understanding of what God is saying to us in His Word. Here at Bethel we have found this to be the case.

So we invite you to join us as we study God's Word on Sunday evenings! Receive a time-tested, balanced diet of the whole counsel of God to clarify and enrich your understanding of God's Word and help you grow toward full maturity in Christ. We hope you'll join us!

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